What is VIGA


VIGA’s Story

The Vashon Island Growers Association (VIGA) began in the 1980s with a few people who wanted to create on-island jobs in farming. They started a small Farmers Market near the current Post Office, and by 1990 had moved to the current site at the Village Green (although it was private property then) and built a small structure to house the Market.

A small group of local growers continued selling into the 1990s, and craft vendors joined the effort and even managed the Market for a while. To help stabilize their efforts, the founding farmers decided to apply to become a member of Washington Tilth, a statewide organization promoting local, organic agriculture. A Mission Statement and bylaws were adopted and VIGA became an official Tilth chapter and a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. As an organization devoted to ‘supporting local agriculture through education and the Farmers Market,’ VIGA developed a strong educational program, the Get Growing series, which focused on assisting people to grow more food for their families as well as for the Market.

In 1998 VIGA received a grant to build the Village Green shed structure, and the following year spearheaded a community-wide effort to purchase the land under the shed. Over $200,000 was raised to buy what is now known as the Village Green, and the permanent home of the Vashon Island Farmers Market.

VIGA’s educational focus continued as volunteers from the group helped the Vashon High School develop a horticulture program focusing on raising fruits and vegetables organically. VIGA volunteers helped create the high school garden, tilling, fencing and refurbishing a greenhouse for the students. VIGA members have been the faculty of the program since its inception.

As the Farmers Market grew, VIGA looked for assistance and in 2004 hired its first staff member – a professional Market Manager. The Market thrived under her leadership and continues to grow and prosper under the ongoing leadership of different Market Managers. VIGA volunteers continued to develop educational programs as well as do the work of a growing organization.

Our Programs