Project Overview
VIGA’s Food Preservation Initiative (FPI) aims to reduce food waste and increase equitable access to locally grown food on Vashon-Maury Island (Vashon). The FPI works to strengthen relationships with island non-profits, social services and island growers; as well as build a community larder for the people of Vashon.
Participating island growers donate or allow excess food to be harvested (gleaned) by volunteers. The gleaned or donated food is distributed fresh through the Vashon-Maury Community Food Bank (Food Bank) or is freeze dried/preserved for equitable distribution via the community larder, Food Bank, or our many community partners.
Project History
VIGA's FPI was originally funded from a grant from King Conservation District in 2021 which allowed for the purchase of two freeze dryers, two large dehydrators and other miscellaneous preservation equipment/supplies. In 2022 the Food Bank, in partnership with the Vashon Maury Island Land Trust and VIGA, won a grant from the WSDA to support the initiative. The focus of the WSDA grant was to strengthen and build relationships between the Food Bank and Island farmers with the goal to decrease local food waste and increase equitable access to locally grown food.
Have excess produce?
If you are interested in donating your produce, fill out the form below.
Want to lend a hand?
If you are interested in gleaning and/or preserving, fill out the form below.
If you have any questions or want to get involved as a volunteer or a grower, you can also contact to learn more about the program
Gleaning On Farms
Gleaning is a practice of gathering excess crops that the farmer is unable to use. Farms with an overabundance of a particular crop, or produce that may not meet the aesthetic standards for markets can invite volunteers onto their land to make sure nothing is wasted. We appreciate all the Vashon growers that have allowed us to visit their beautiful properties!
Produce Pickup
On Tuesdays there is a weekly pickup from farms with farmstand leftovers, unsold produce from markets, or food that doesn’t quite meet the aesthetic standard for wholesale.
To join, email ( by Monday evening. We will come pick it up Tuesday for the Food Bank’s Wednesday distribution. Farming can be unpredictable, so participation can be a one time thing or whenever you have excess!
Preserve Nature’s Bounty
Nature is generous, but she gives in spurts. It’s not much use having a huge pile of fruit or vegetables or meat if you can’t preserve it for year-round consumption.
VIGA is dedicated to finding ways to preserve growers and nature’s bounty. This is the path to food independence and vital to stopping food waste.
Community Larder
With help from community members, VIGA was able to secure almost $20,000 in grant funding in 2021. The purpose of the grant is to build a community larder on Vashon-Maury Island. The project will collect, preserve, and store donated island produce that will be available through various avenues for community use.
We have partnered with multiple Vashon non-profits in order to execute the vision. The Land Trust is hosting a storage Conex which will act as the community larder. The Tool Library has many pieces of food preservation equipment to borrow. Vashon Cohousing has allowed us to use their commercial kitchen for food preservation. VIGA will oversee the Freeze Dryers and the community larder - anyone that needs a place to store their preserved food can use the community larder!
Benefits of Freeze Drying
Freeze drying causes very little damage to the nutritional value of fresh food. This preservation method preserves nearly all of the nutrients found in the food prior to being freeze dried. Whereas, canning and other preservation methods can destroy much of the nutrition found in fresh food.
Heat can affect taste, color and texture causing your garden produce to look and taste very different. Freeze-dried food, in contrast, looks and tastes just like the food did when fresh.
VIGA's Freeze Dryers
With grant funds from King Conservation District, VIGA purchased 2 commercial freeze dryers. These pieces of equipment are maintained and run by VIGA volunteers.
We chose Harvest Right freeze dryers and you can see them here.
If you’d like to reserve time with our dehydrators, food sealers, or freeze driers, sign-up here.

Reserve Equipment
If you’d like to reserve time with our dehydrators, food sealers, or freeze driers, sign-up here.

Food Preservation Initiative
Preserving Vashon’s Bounty
VIGA’s Food Preservation Initiative is made possible with a grant from King Conservation District.