The Growing Story of VIGA
The Vashon Island Growers Association (VIGA) began in the 1980s with a desire to create on-island jobs in farming. What started as a small Farmer’s Market near the Post Office has grown into a multi-faceted organization that supports the full spectrum of island agriculture.
Viga supports island farmers with its Farming in Community program, a network for education and collaboration. Get Growing is tailored to home and backyard gardeners, whose goals are to feed their families and share the abundance with neighbors. In addition, volunteers have helped the Vashon High School develop a horticulture program focusing on raising fruits and vegetables organically. VIGA also hosts workshops and supports cooperative initiatives to share emerging and traditional knowledge and techniques.
VIGA is developing systems to preserve the island’s abundance and create year-round access to a community larder. VIGA was able to secure grant funding in 2021 and named the program the Food Preservation Initiative. We collect, preserve, and store donated island produce that will be available through various avenues for community use.
VIGA provides the infrastructure to get food to every islander. There are three primary means for this
1. VIGA produces and updates a weekly Farm Stand Map. The growers report their availability weekly and VIGA updates the information for easy dissemination through the community. We make this available online, in our weekly newsletter and with a physical copy of the farm stand map through the growing season.
2. The VIGA Farmers Market is hosted at the Village Green, a small park in the middle of Vashon town. The community raised over $200,000 to purchase the Village Green and make it the Market’s permanent home. The Market increases access to local food, provides educational opportunities as well as drives increased production of local food and goods.
3. VIGAs Food Access Partnership works to increase access to fresh food for all while supporting local farmers. The Partnership’s primary strategy to achieve this goal is the VIGA Farm Bucks program. Through the generosity of the community, the Food Access team distributes tens of thousands of dollars from local donors to neighbors so that they can buy produce from local farms. This simultaneously supports our local growers and decreases food insecurity.
Do you have a question our website was unable to answer? Reach out to us directly by the following methods.
By Email:
VIGA General: board@vigavashon.org
Farmers Market: marketmanager@vigavashon.org
Food Access Partnership: FoodAccessPartnership@vigavashon.org
Get Growing: Karen Biondo at labiondo@comcast.net
Farming in Community: Zoe Marzluff at graciesgreensvashon@gmail.com
Food Preservation Initiative: preservation@vigavashon.org
By Mail:
Vashon Island Growers Association
P. O. Box 2894
Vashon, WA 98070
The Farmers Market Physical Address (Mail will not be delivered here, please use our P.O Box for post):
17519 Vashon Hwy SW (Just North of Bank Rd.)